Recent Downwind Challenge Entries
View recent Monthly & SUP 5.0 entries here.
Nathan Krieger
Longy to Queenscliff
John Messenger
Riding the Naish Javelin 14′ x 24″
7km extract from the run. Just trimmed the first bit.
Mike Hayes
Bay to Bay SPSC Competitive Training run. Riding 14 x 25 ONE Storm 2.0 Ultralight with VMG 28 Blade and using Carbon ONE paddle
Mike Hayes
Epic run in a classic Westerly breeze with a consistent wind, low tide and great runners. Riding ONE Storm 14 x 25 with VMG 28 Blade and ONE Carbon Paddle. First using the VMG 28 and worked a treat.
Traci Dostalek
Such a great run with long smooth bumps. So good to get out again. Felt tired last half due to lack of time on water lately.
Vanessa Smith
Southerly buster, Fun times outnumbered by foilers 😂
Mark Faunt
on Sunova ocean faast 27, 30km/hr wind very nice conditions
Chris Cross
Pitty run.. 25knots ++ possibly best ever run Fanatic Falcon 26 VMG 35 VMG Orca 82 CX
Chris Cross
BW to Newport 20knot Southerly Clean bumps, no falls! Fanatic Falcon 26 VMG 35 and VMG Orca 82
David Kissane
Good bumps. 15 knots. V technical but managed not to fall which always an achievement for that run. And helps the average 😊
David Kissane
Nice cruisy conditions. Perfect for ace. Wind at 12-15 knots which is good for a morning run.
Tony Strang
14’ Ace, VMG 35
Strong southerly wind (20-25knots) with fairly clean bumps.
Vanessa Smith
NE flukey wind & against outgoing tide last couple k’s -trusty ACE & VMG 28 combo still made for a fun time
Traci Dostalek
Wasn’t gale force at predicted 🤣 but a great run and I stayed dry
Jarrad Howse
Borrowed Shep’s Hollow ONE dugout. Nice to switch it up from the SIC Bullet. The wind looked light driving to Amanda Vanstone Cres, but was pretty nice once out there.
James Casey
Epic from Port Kembla to Bellambi on foil
Pete Morrison
Awesome fun! 30knts wind, nice swell, allstar 26″ was hard work!
Lee Condell
Good wind but bump wasn’t great as it was difficult to connect. Good fun though 😀
Peter Shepherd
Late afternoon paddle. Wind not as strong as we’d hoped for but some strong gusts to make it interesting. Dusted off ‘old faithful’ for this run…the F16 Bullet.
Lots of fun but couldn’t hang on to Jarrad who was flying on a ‘One’ hollow dugout 👍
Traci Dostalek
Almost didn’t get out today. Glad I did!
Rob Hooton
Great conditions for botany. Would have been well into the 11 km per hour range of I hadn’t tired in the last third and taken quite a bit.
Tony Strang
14 x 27 Ace, VMG 35
Nice conditions with moderate SSW wind, fairly clean wind swell and none of the usual side chop.
Wade Carberry
15-17 knots.
Nice bumps but heaps of rain, couldn’t see land so hard to know if going right way.
Mark Faunt
Moderate southerly, good fun runners on Sunova Ocean Faast
Wade Carberry
Sunova Unlimited
Wind was wrong angle coming across shoulder.
Tony Strang
14 x 27 Ace, VMG 28
A good run in a strong SSE wind. Bumps didn’t stand up as much as expected but still a fun paddle with Lee and Jinbo 👍
Jarrad Howse
Nice to have some wind at our back again with a big SPSC crew.
Lee Condell
Promising, but the wind lulled and the bump was relatively small considering how hard it blew through the night
Tony Strang
14 x 27 Ace, VMG 35
Pretty good conditions with 20+ knot southerly wind. Seas got pretty big from Narrabeen onwards with some very big swells. Paddled with Andy Barker and Jinbo Dong.